Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Life of Pi Response

Life of Pi: Reading Response When I began reading ‘Life of Pi’ by Yann Martel I had little expectation it would peak my interest. I expected it to be a boring school assignment that I would have to get through, process the information and put on paper. To my relief, this book was completely the opposite. I must admit, the beginning chapters were quite dry. I would have never chosen in the beginning of a book to mention a sloth, probably the most uninteresting mammal ever. Slowly, the book progresses to where it gives you a little background information on Piscine Patel and his life in India. In part one, I really liked where Mamaji taught Piscine to swim. Looking back it proved to be a very important for Pi’s survival I dislike stories where the hero’s journey is clearly defined anda once weak man overcomes unrealistic circumstances to become a stronger man. That was not the case in this book. I like the realness of the book, especially in the case of Richard Parker. He wasn’t personified in any way really. He was what I think a natural tiger would be given the conditions. What I really enjoyed about this book was the deep thinking it evoked. The author allowed you to come to your own conclusion as to whether the story with the animals or the story with the people was true. Normal logic and reasoning tells you that the story with the people would be right, because the chance of the story with the animals happening is hard to believe. Both stories have the same circumstances and follow the same events. The zebra represents the sailor, the hyena is the cook, the orangutan is the mother and Richard Parker is Pi, but I believe the story with the humans is the true story. I think that the story with the animals was Pi’s way of coping with the reality that his mother was murdered and that he murdered someone as well. I believe the choice that the members of the Ministry of Transport had to make about the stories is a metaphor for religion. Science and many religions all have an explanation for certain events and some seem farfetched, yet they could all be possible. In the end, it’s all up to what you believe, and the way you interpret it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Chinese philosophy Essay

. Introduction A. Thesis There are so many different philosophies and religions, and they greatly influence people’s life. In this paper, I am going to introduce and define the representatives of the Western philosophy such as Plato’s metaphysical Dualism and Chinese philosophy like Daoism. And I am going to compare these philosophies and explain the difference between them. ?. Dualism A. Explain Plato’s metaphysical Dualism Plato’s Dualism divided the reality into two different realms of existence (World of the Senses and World of the Forms). One world (the physical world) is constantly changing, and another world (the world of the Forms) is unchanging. Plato further divided these two different realms of existence. The world of Forms can be divided into the higher world (realm of the form) and the lower world (the Empirical world). The world of senses can be divided into physical objects (ordinary objects we perceive) and images (shadows, reflections and pictures). B. Summary of Allegory of Cave Plato explained his metaphysical dualism by using the Allegory of a cave. According to Marc Cohen: In the allegory, Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. All they can see is the wall of the cave. Behind them burns a fire. Between the fire and the prisoners there is a parapet, along which puppeteers can walk. The puppeteers, who are behind the prisoners, hold up puppets that cast shadows on the wall of the cave. The prisoners are unable to see these puppets, the real objects that pass behind them. What the prisoners see and hear are shadows and echoes cast by objects that they do not see. However, one day one of them is released from what keeps them the guy sitting, and they look back. At that time, the guy realizes that there are objects and the fire behind people and someone moves the objects. The shadow people have seen is a fake. People who are still sitting have never seen the objects behind them, so they believe that the shadow is real. The guy is free to move, so he starts to run to the exit of the cave. After getting out of the cave, the guy feels dizzy because the world out of the cave is too shiny. After a while, his eyes got used to the brightness and the beautiful world like the mountain, the sky, the river, or the sun is in the eyes of the guy. And then he realizes that the world out of the cave is real. He goes back to the cave and tells people who are still sitting in the cave what he saw out of the cave. However, they do not believe that what the guy told is the truth. C. Interpretation of the Allegory. By using this Allegory, we can think about today’s world. There are too much in formation in the world, and the world seems to be narrower than before. Especially the appearance of mass media like newspaper, television, magazine, Internet, or SNS changed how we deal with information. Too much information is created and flows every day, and we can get the information you need any time by the device like a smart phone, a PC or a tablet. However, is the information you can get really the reality? The information created by mass media might be like the shadow in a cave. Before I was born, there was already too much information. I learned much information like Japanese history in a school, and I also know the new information of the incidence that occurs every day at the same time through mass media. So I learned most of things that occurred around the world through the information created by mass media, and the information is like a shadow in Allegory of a Cave. Suppose that an internal warfare is happening in one country. We know about that through mass media. We might see suffers in a TV or in a photo. We feel like understand everything about the war through the picture on TV or words of the News, but that is not a whole thing but just part of that. We need to seek the reality by my own eyes today’s world. ?. Plato’s Legacy According to Philip, â€Å"Plato thought that the soul could and would exist apart from the body and would exist after the death of the body. He offered a â€Å"proof† for this position and was the first to do so in writing that we have any evidence of doing so. He offered several different proofs or arguments none of which are convincing today†. His argument was that humans were composed of bodies and souls, but soul was more important and immortal. His arguments used premises that are questionable today. For example, Plato thought he could conclude that the soul could exist separating from the body because it worked independently from the body when it engaged in pure thought. But today, it is proved that how we think depends on the physical brain works. So this is no longer accepted as true. Plato thought that they are remembering the knowledge implanted in their souls when the souls were in the realm of pure thought and eternal forms before entering into the body after which they forgot as they became confused by physical emotions and feelings and limited experiences through the senses. And that is the only way to explain how people come to know. This is no longer accepted as the best explanation of how people come to have knowledge. However, Plato is credited with being the first human to attempt to set out any sort of a proof that humans had souls and that they survived the death of the body and that they were immortal. A. Descartes-Substance Dualism According to Philip, â€Å"Descartes also believed that the soul existed prior to and separate from the body, and it was immortal. In his view, all of reality consisted of two very different substances: matter or the physical and spirit or the non-physical. † The physical was what would be extended in time and space and the non-physical would not be characterized. He thought that his famous claim that â€Å"I think therefore I am† established not just that he existed but that he existed without a body as a â€Å"thinking thing†. A â€Å"thinking thing† is a thing that thinks and by that would be included: imagining, conceiving, hoping, dreaming, desiring, fearing, conjecturing, reasoning, remembering and more. For him a â€Å"thinking thing† needed no physical parts to do what it does. Modern science has established that there is no evidence of humans that are without a physical body and its brain. There is no evidence that thought is possible without a brain. There is much evidence that what has been associated with Descartes’ â€Å"thinking thing† is now explained solely in term of the brain and how the brain is physically structured and the functioning of the brain. B. Aquinas According to the text, â€Å"Saint Thomas Aquinas is the philosopher who explained five ways to demonstrate the existence of the God within the framework of a posteriori (the knowledge comes from, or after the experience) and developed cosmological and teleological arguments. † I am going to explain one of the demonstrations. The way is from the nature of efficient cause. In the world of sensible things, there is an order of efficient causes. It never happens that the thing is the efficient cause of itself. If you look at one phenomenon, you can see many efficient causes behind it. But you cannot go back to infinity. There must be the first efficient cause. Aquinas claims that that is the God. The Aquinas’ claim is similar to Plato’s claim. He thought the God is the first efficient cause and independent one. That is close to the concept â€Å"the realm of the form† Plato claimed. And the things in the world of sensible things are the secondary things of the God. It is close to â€Å"the Empirical world† Plato claimed. ?. Chinese Natural Cosmology A. Ames `Image of Reason in Chinese Culture† Ames claims the difference between the dominant conceptions of reality in the West and in the Chinese tradition in his â€Å"image of Reason in Chinese Culture†. According to the text, Ames claims that â€Å"to explore the Chinese philosophy, he thought you needed to recognize at least that you are dealing with a fundamentally different world if you are familiar with Western culture. To bring into relief certain features of the dominant Indo-European view and Chinese alternative to it, he constructs a â€Å"logical sense of order with an â€Å"aesthetic† order. † What we call â€Å"logical† sense of order has developed Western philosophical and religious orthodoxy, and it is based on the presumption that there is something permanent, perfect, objective, and universal that disciplines the world of charge and guarantees natural and moral order-some originative and determinative arche, an eternal realm of Platonic edios or â€Å"ideas†, the One True God of the Judeo-Christian universe, a transcendental strongbox of invariable principles or laws, an annalistic method for discerning clear and distinct ideas. In a single-order world, the One God is the initial beginning of the universe. The God is primal and unchanging principle that causes and explains that origin and issues everything from itself, and that is familiar and presupposition in Western tradition. Although the world is explained by â€Å"logical† order in Western tradition, however, there is no â€Å"logical† order in Chinese philosophy. The order of Chinese tradition is immanent in and inseparable from a spontaneously changing world. The universe possesses within itself its organizational principles and its own creative energy. In the view of Chinese tradition, the world creates itself. That is scandalous from the view point of Western scholar reason. The yin and the yan come together and guide the infinite combination of these two opposite source of energy. These two sources of energy make a spontaneous intelligence possible. Yin and yan as the characterization of a particular relationship invariably entail a perception from some particular perspective that enables us to unravel patterns of relatedness and interpret our circumstances. They provide a vocabulary for sorting out the relationship among things as they come together and constitute themselves in unique compositions. Ames also mentions the Chinese word â€Å"li†. In both classical Chinese corpus and modern language, the closest term that approximates â€Å"reason† or â€Å"principle†. He claims that identifying the meaning of the word â€Å"li† correctly is essential to understand Chinese philosophy. According to the text, â€Å"Philosophically, the most familiar uses of li lie somewhere in the cluster â€Å"reasoning† or â€Å"rationale† (A. S. Cua), â€Å"principle† (W.T. Chan), â€Å"organism† (J. Needham), and â€Å"coherence† (W. Peterson). † Among these several alternative translations used for â€Å"li†, although philosophically as protean as â€Å"principle† for Western tradition, unwarrantedly restrict li to a notion of human consciousness and tend to introduce distinction such as animate and inanimate, agency and act, intelligible and sensible. Li is much different from being some independent and immutable originative principle that disciplines a recalcitrant world. It is the fabric of order immanent in the dynamic process of experience. That is why â€Å"psychology† is translated in to Chinese as â€Å"the li of the heart-and-mind,† but then â€Å"physics† is â€Å"the study of the li of things and events. † What separates li rather clearly from Western common understanding of â€Å"principle† is that li is both a unity and a multiplicity. Li is the coherence of any â€Å"member of a set, all members of a set, or the set as a whole. † Both the uniqueness of each particular and the continuities that obtain among them are reflected by this description. Li then is the defining character or ethos of a given community, or any other such composition. Ames also claims another point at which li departs from â€Å"principle. † In Western tradition, the discovery of originative and determinative principle gives us a schema for classifying things and subsuming one thing under another. That is why people seek â€Å"principle† in Western tradition. However, the investigation of li, by contrast, is to seek out patterns that relate things, and to discover resonances between things that make correlations and categorization possible. B. Hans-Gorg Moeller In Daodejing, the meaning of â€Å"the root† is described by using metaphor. From the view of the Daoist, our world is a â€Å"self-generating† process. In Daoism there is no initial beginning for â€Å"logical† order. In Daoism, order is immanent in and inseparable from a spontaneously changing world, and then â€Å"the world creates itself. † In this point of view, the role of â€Å"the root† is very important. â€Å"The root† is an origin of phenomenon, and many things are derived from â€Å"the root. † Unlike many Western philosophical perspectives, this â€Å"root† has a somewhat unique, interesting, and different meaning in it. The Western philosophy’s principle or arche is the first cause of the event. And nothing would exist if there were not any of the Western philosophy’s principle or arche. However, the concept of â€Å"the root† is different of that. From the Daoist perspective, â€Å"the root† is a part of the plant. â€Å"The root† does not exist before the plant although plant cannot exist if there is no â€Å"the root. † That is, â€Å"the root† itself is not a creator of the plant. It is the origin of the growth of the plant. â€Å"The root† is buried in the soil or ground, so it is invisible. However, â€Å"the root† greatly influences its visible part. This illustrates Daoist’s â€Å"autopoiesis,† self-generating concept well, which differs a lot from the Western philosophical concept â€Å"arche,† which is stated or recognized as â€Å"the God. † ?. Comparative Epistemology A. Hellenistic-Prescriptive theoretical knowledge In Western tradition, most of philosophers think there is one principle or one God and things happen from it. And the mind is separable part from the body. One of the examples is Plato. Plato’s dualism is that there are the realm of form and the imperial world. The body belongs to the imperial world and the world is constantly changing. And what we sense by the body is limited, and the Empirical world is not real. The true world is the realm of the form, and the mind belongs to the world. Plato argues that the â€Å"knowledge† continuously exists and must be justified conviction. However, the Empirical world that we belong to is contentiously changing, and there is no unchanging thing in the world. That is why there is no thing from which we can get â€Å"knowledge† in the Empirical world, so we cannot get â€Å"knowledge† by our own senses. The unchanging things exist in the realm of the form, and we cannot reach the world by using our senses. So we need to use our mind to get â€Å"knowledge†. Not all of Western philosophers claim like that, but most of philosophers claim that the truth does not exist in the world where we live today. This concept greatly influences Christianity or other religions that have the one God. In Christianity, there is one God named â€Å"Jesus Christ†, and he is the reason why things happen or why we live. People pray to seek â€Å"knowledge† that exists in the world where we are not living. That is, we cannot get the â€Å"knowledge† about it in the world where we are living, and we need to get it from the other world to know the essence of the things. B. Chinese philosophy-Prescriptive practical On the other hand, there is no the one God in Chinese philosophy. In China, the war occurred constantly, and Chinese dynasty changed over time, so people did not come to rely on one thing. This influenced the Chinese philosopher. Instead of one god or one principle, Chinese philosophers think that the world creates itself and that the world is constituted by the combination of determinacy and indeterminacy, and spontaneous, dynamic changing is the universal principle of the world. In Western tradition, the philosophers try to attribute many phenomenons to the one reason. However, Chinese philosophers think that each thing is â€Å"self-so† creativity, self-generating, and spontaneous. For Chinese philosophy, the Nature is very important, and in Daoism it is important not to try to force thing. That is why there is the concepts in Daoism; wu wei(without intentional action), wu si(without deliberate thought), wu si(without selfish interesting), wu ji(without self-awareness), wu zhi(without knowledge), wu xin(without heart-and-mind). Daoists claim that when you are thinking something, the world is also changing at the same time, so you are missing something. That is why it is important for Daoism to stop thinking by your head, get out of the world of your head, look around the world, and take action. The most important thing for Daoism is that we ought to take action as a part of the world. ?. Conclusion There have been so many philosophers through the history, and each of philosophy has been developed around the world. And how people think about the world is different, depending on the philosophy. Of many philosophies, the significant different philosophies are the Western and Chinese philosophy. In the Western philosophy, the philosophers try to attribute everything to the one principle or the one God. On the other hand, there is no principle, and the philosophers have recognized the world as self-generating process, and the world is the source of itself without no exact start and end point. This thought influences religion and how people think about the world. Around the world, many wars related to religion occur today. The difference between the religions is just what ancient people developed, so it is important to try to understand the difference in today’s world. Reference Pecorino, Philip, Ph. D. â€Å"Chapter 6 : The Mind-Body Problem Section 3: DUALISM. † Introduction To Philosophy an Online Textbook. Queensborough Community College, CUNY, n. d. Web. 4 Dec 2013. . Deutsch, Eliot. Introduction to World Philosophies. 1st ed. 509. New Jersey: A Pearson Education Company, 1997. Ex-255-256. Print. Deutsch, Eliot. Introduction to World Philosophies. 1st ed. 509. New Jersey: A Pearson Education Company, 1997. Ex-469. Print. Cohen, Marc. â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave. † Philosophy 320 History of Ancient Philosophy. University of Washington, 07 11 2013. Web. 4 Dec 2013. .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Caribbean history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Caribbean history - Essay Example Tiones and Arawaks lived a peaceful life with happiness before arrival of Columbus. Agriculture, fishing and hunting were their daily activities for fulfilling basic needs. Arawaks had copper colour with long black hairs (Johnson 1920). Arawaks had a unique lifestyle and a very gentle society. They lived as a society and society was just like a small kingdom. Their leaders were called cacique. Every Arawak and Tiones had 2 or 3 wives as per the culture. The cacique always had more wives than normal people as it was a symbol of pride for the woman to marry a cacique. Marring a cacique used to raise the authority and lifestyle of the woman. Children of the cacique were provided with better lifestyle and future opportunities (Williams 1984). House construction of the Arawaks and Tiones was basically of round shape that a supported with a pole in the centre. Palm leaves were used to cover the house from the top. Caciques had rectangular shaped houses as to create difference between a cacique and a normal man. Mats of banana leaves were the material used for sleeping in absence of any other bedding (Williams 1984). ZEMI were the gods of Arawaks and they used to arrange different religious functions. Religious practice included dancing, religious worship and medical treatment by ZEMI. People also consulted ZEMI for advice on health matters. Agricultural festivals also had certain religious features as thank giving. Specific dress was used on such festivals and drum beating with cacique sitting at a special place. Singing and admiring of cacique are the main events of such festivals (Williams 1984). Different caciques asked for certain help when Columbus landed in the region. Cacique Guacanagarie of Marien (Bainoa) asked Columbus to save him from Caribs. He became the very good friend of Columbus. Canoba was the leader who resisted Spanish movement in the area. Columbus offered Canoba a chain of gold. Conaba mistakenly took

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Sleaze Factor during the 1988 Presidential Campaign Term Paper

The Sleaze Factor during the 1988 Presidential Campaign - Term Paper Example In the 1984 presidential elections, the democrats had nominated Walter Mondale to lead them in the presidential race; he however failed to be elected. The democrats therefore devised new ways, which would help them win the next election. The democrats won back the senate after president Reagan was mentioned in involvement in Iran-contra, their hopes raised that they would win presidency (Kathleen). The party leaders recruited Mario Cuomo who chose not to run for the presidency. Gary Hart the Colorado senator had shown some interest in presidency, however questions concerning extramarital affairs arose and, this tarnished his name in the campaign. The media termed him as a reputed adulterer and wife beater. He however did not give up on his campaigns. Joe Biden was also part of the race in 1988 presidential elections but Neil Kinnock accused him of using his speech illegally with only slight alterations. This led him to withdraw from the presidential pursuit. Bush was tied to scandals from the Reagan administration, which included the Iran-contra; the Dukakis camp had attacked them (Lafeber 268). Governor Dukakis was criticized that he was uninformed on matters pertaining to the military. This move devastated his public relations; Bush used this to damage his campaigns and explained that he would not make a good commander-in-chief. Republican Willie Horton attacked Dukakis that he had failed to clean up the pollution on the harbor (Lafeber 269). Rumours also spread in the media that Dukakis wife had burned the American flag to protest against Vietnam War. 1.1 Impacts of the Sleaze Factor and the Role Played By Media The first man nominated by the democrats for the presidential race did not have the qualities to suit him to be in the Whitehouse. Many mocked him that his qualities would only make a Babylonian priest and not a president. American presidential elections have always relied on the use of patriotism the republicans had appealed that Michael Dukakis was not liberal and did not consider patriotism as an important factor. Al gore campaigned as a presidential aspirant as a democratic candidate in 1988, however, he did not succeed. He was highly criticized for attacking fellow politicians, Jackson and Dukakis. These accusations brought about political scandals, which damaged the reputations of the presidential candidates. Each candidate had a nasty thing to say about the others; this however, did no help them to win. It actually confused the voters who had a task in selecting the person who would represent them as their president. George bush however won the elections despite the fact that he was accused of being associated with the Iran-Contra affair. The media played a great role in the in the investigative reporting of dishonesty and scandals facing the presidential candidates. They act as public watchdogs representing the public interest. The 1988 presidential campaigns used media to tarnish each other’s names. The media te nds to focus so much on negative campaigning rather than positivity. Most of the politicians used attack advertisements as their political strategies; they were so prevalent that it was termed as the year of negativity. 1.2 Sleaze as a Form of Campaign

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Team Sports Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Team Sports Economics - Essay Example Beyond the scene that regards hosting such events, there are certain synergies of mega-event sports competitions that could result in economic development to the city or even the entire country as a whole. There was a great deal of focus on the economic potentials of the 2012 London Olympics for the city and the country as a whole. Articles have been penned on the economic impacts of the London Olympics not only for the economy of the metropolis, but for the entire country as a whole. According to Great Britain (2012), predictions the GDP growth could have been affected by the Olympics games. The associated ticket sales that had been prepared for the 2012 Olympics games had been estimated to be about 0.1 percent of the UK economy, and the economic effects would be realized in the final quarter of the year (Great Britain, 2012: 45). According to the Word Bank (2012) the economic growth for the United Kingdom’s economy was 0.3%m therefore a contribution of 0.1% on the UK’s economy represents a significant contribution to the economy. on a micro economic level, sports events attracts a hordes of sports fans who troupe into a city’s hotels, restaurants, and businesses and bring forth a lot of money to such functions and the auxiliaries. According to the Office for National Statistics (2012) the visitors to the city during the games summed to over half a million spending an estimated average amount of  £1,290 per person, twice the amount spent by the non Olympic visitors. Preparations for these games involve a great deal of preparation which covers a huge outlay of funds for infrastructural developments. The high level of standards demanded by the International Olympic Committee, which includes the infrastructural developments as well as the security arrangements, makes an intrusion of the tax payer’s pockets mandatory. But despite the huge costs that these events have on the economy, profit must certainly

Eassy of <A Thousand Splendid Suns> Essay

Eassy of - Essay Example Miriam had lost her baby 7 times, giving Rasheed reason to treat her as a worker and violate her frequently. In addition, the author develops the story of Laila; she has a nice and unbroken family, and she learns lots of knowledge from school and from her father. However, a rocket destroys her house and family when they decide to leave Kabul. Her parents die and she is also wounded. Consequently, she has to get married to Rasheed to earn a living because she finds that she is carrying her childhood lover’s child, Tariq. In general, the author depicts Mariam and Laila as poor Afghan women, who have similar experiences living with Rasheed. However, they become best friends after Aziza’s birth. From the analysis of the novel, it can be concluded that although life is unbearable for both Mariam and Laila, only Laila is able to make the decision to leave Rasheed and seek a better life. Mariam is not able to take a risk because she has a broken family. Mariam grows up only with her mother. She does not feel her father’s love even though her father comes to see her once a week. Nana says to Mariam, â€Å" Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a women.( Hosseini, 7). However, she thinks Jalil is a very nice father although he visits only once a week. She used to expect her father’s visiting because he brings gifts to her and his voice is gentle and soft. Nevertheless, everything changes on Mariam’s fifteenth birthday. Mariam insists on watching movies with her siblings, so she goes into the Herat alone. Jalil does not receive her and even lies to her that he is not there. On the next day, Mariam goes back disappointed and then she is shocked because her mother commits suicide under the tree in front of her kolba. Mariam reckons that she lost her parents in one day, and the reason is her leaving Nana . After she gets married to Rasheed, she does everything Rasheed requires of her because he is the only one that she can

Friday, July 26, 2019

AMERICAN HISTORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

AMERICAN HISTORY - Essay Example easingly removal under compulsion after his term, resulting in a deteriorating relationship between the Native Americans and the government and erupting oftentimes into bloody battles like the Battle of Tippecanoe and the loyalty of the American Indians to the British in the War of 1812 (Harrell 261-262) Jefferson had misgiving about the Louisiana Purchase because of serious constitutional issue attached to it. However, he viewed it as vital strategically to the US because of the New Orleans port directly accessing the Mississippi River, outlet for American trade with the outside world. He feared France’s control of the Mississippi. Thus, he justified the Purchase as an exercise of extra-constitutional power by the presidency (Harrell et al 247-248). Q1b. Discuss the impact of the Louisiana Purchase and Andrew Jackson’s removal policies on the Native Americans. Discuss the long term impact of Worcester v. Georgia on both Native Americans and the checks and balances system. In 1830, Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, a law strongly supported by President Andrew Jackson. The Act provided for the voluntary removal of the North American Indians from the east of the Mississippi to the west of it. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 had long encouraged the belief that this was possible. The removal law worsened the tension between the North American Indians and the United States which was already palpable even before its enactment as can be evinced from cases like the Cherokee Nation v Georgia, 30 US 1 [1831], and Worcester v Georgia, 31 US 515 [1832] (Norgren et al 6-7). The Worcester case, together with the Cherokee Nation case, established the legal framework with which the American Indians are to be governed with respect to their political and property rights. In the Worcester case, Chief Justice Marshall declared the possessory rights of the Cherokee Indians, a right which they can however relinquish in favor of the White Americans. The implication of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Legacy Fighter Aircraft Upgrades and New Stealth Fighters Research Paper

Legacy Fighter Aircraft Upgrades and New Stealth Fighters - Research Paper Example 563; Collier & Ankle, 2002, p. 13). While terror seemed to be seeped within regional efforts supported by allied forces to weaken the perceived enemies, however, there is perceived military imbalance in strategic geographic region where US military’s power seemed bit nil, if not weak, but is nonetheless complemented with diplomatic relations, such as those security threat cases posed by China and of North Korea in Asia. The odds of denuclearization efforts and hazy economic-political climate within the region as well as the sustaining movements in the Arab countries remained both a threat and opportunity for the US forces to rethink about the need to upgrade the capacities for warfare (Collier & Hoeffler, 2006, p. 89; Deger & Sen, 1983, p. 67; Harbom & Wallensteen, 2007, p. 623; Reynal-Querol, 2005, pp. 445) In the last decade, US forces have been focused in combating terror groups in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and in working with reformists’ organization within the Arab region with hope to change the system and make it more liberal in its trading relation. However, amid these challenging turn of events, there are also intrinsic realities posed by Pentagon about the need of the military aviation forces to scale up its defence or operational system, such as upgrading of its its USAF fighter platforms from F-22 to new F-35s, as well as by upgrading the aerodynamics or aircraft systems. In this project, the researcher will determine the (a) prices of the F-35s and the cost of upgrading its aerodynamic systems, (b) the capacity of the US government and military agency to allocate budget for these projects, and (c) the consideration of the legislators on the fiscal requirements for this upgrade. Data Collection This is a qualitative research that will investigate the requirement in upgrading the military aviation forces of US and to hopefully embark comparative details of these matters with consideration of the current deliberation of the needs and cost analysis of the upgrade. Qualitative study will rely in primary and secondary sources that can be lifted from interviews, reports, publications, magazines and online information. The study will help elucidate the prospect and consequence of plan to upgrade the military aviation system. Data gathered will be reviewed, collated and evaluated to arrive at a reasonable conclusion that may (or may not) aid the decision-making of the legislations and authorities in Pentagon. The researchers evaluate the information based on historical records, plans of the DoD, and budget schedules as well as its estimates (GAO, 2012). Test reports were also considered including the risk information of the new capabilities (GAO, 2012). Data Analysis Last month, July of 2013, the Department of Defence of the United Sates announced of forging an agreement to purchase 71 F-35 fighter jets from Lockheed Martin at a lower cost of 4% less than the original prices for stealth and radar evading fighter jets but discounts will only be for 36 units and another 8% less for the remaining 35 units (Drew, 2013). Reports mentioned that the cost, including the ancillary facilities, are pegged at $7 billion per unit thus, state authorities require the reduction of the cost while other cost analysts outside the government batted that the cost would be rising still. The high costs and the anent problems associated in the acquisition have also discouraged other Pentagon officials and thought of scrapping

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sony Corporation Financial review for the Year 2004-2005(As until Essay

Sony Corporation Financial review for the Year 2004-2005(As until Nov05) - Essay Example In the Electronics segment, Sony develops, designs, manufactures electronic equipment. Its subsidiary, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., the Company develops, produces, manufactures and markets games like PlayStation, PS one, PlayStation 2, among others. In the Music segment, Sony produces recorded music and music videos, and also distributes compact discs (CDs), digital versatile discs (DVDs) and universal media discs (UMDs). Sony's Pictures segment includes production, acquisition and distribution of motion pictures, television broadcasting and online distribution. Sony's financial services include savings and loans. The Other segment consists of an advertising agency business and an Internet-related service business. Focusing on the recent financial year, Sony entered a new stage of development, one that seeks to target opportunities in the upcoming era of broadband networks. A new top-management team made up of CEO Sir Howard Stringer, Director Dr. Ryoji Chubachi, and CFO Mr. Katsumi Ihara was formed to take the lead in this important effort. This is a pivotal year for Sony Corporation, and this new structure will enable the company to streamline its operation, and provide a more cohesive focus for operating its businesses around the world in a proactive and strategic manner. This Report is an attempt to analyze and review, in depth the financial status, position and a comprehensive reporting of the same to the Investors of Sony Corporation. Financial & Market Standpoint(As of Nov'2005): The global economy was generally strong during the first half of the fiscal year. However, the U.S. economy began to slow in the second half of the year due to a rapid slowdown in growth of consumer spending and other economic factors. As the fiscal year drew to a close, economies in Japan, Asia, Europe, and elsewhere showed increasing signs of weakness. Even amid these worsening market conditions, Sony was able to achieve a 9% increase in consolidated net sales for the year (Hem Scott, Inc. ). On a local currency basis, sales rose 12%(Hem Scott, Inc. ). A large increase in sales of electronics products was the primary reason. Regarding earnings, the Electronics business performed very well, primarily due to the performance of digital products and semiconductors. The Game business posted a loss, which was chiefly a reflection of start-up expenses for the PlayStation 2 format. As a result, consolidated operating income increased only 1% compared with the previous year. However, exclud ing the impact of the stronger yen, on a local currency basis consolidated operating income increased 47%. Share of sales and operating revenue by business segment * Year ended March 31, 2005 All eyes are on Sony or, more likely, on its high profit PlayStation home video game systems. PlayStation 2 dominates the "game console market" with about 70% of global sales (Nintendo's GameCube and Microsoft's Xbox control about 15% each). Sony, one of the world's top consumer electronics firms, also makes a host of other products, including PCs, digital cameras, Walkman stereos, and semiconductors; these products account for more than 60% of the company's sales. Sony's entertainment assets include recorded music and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Emergence Of Jazz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Emergence Of Jazz - Essay Example It is at this age that the jazz music took over the country, and one would imagine that the Englishmen appreciated the culture of the Blacks. With 1919-1930 regarded as the Harlem Renaissance thanks to the spread of the culture of the Blacks, Jazz music spread exceptionally4. However, the Europeans would grab a section of the Jazz music lovers as they moved their music from New Orleans to Chicago so as they could accrue economic gain from their music5. It is evident that these whites enjoyed a huge deal from the Jazz market as it was crowded by African Americans in the times. For the Europeans, jazz music was a continuation of their Blues music. As seen in the work of Scaruffi, jazz musicians were simply singing like the Blue singing groups only that they played instruments as opposed to using their vocals6. The creativity in jazz music was then similar to that of the blues music. The voices of the musicians were simply fashioned to sound like that of the instruments. The instruments used explain what jazz music was for the Europeans and how the sounds played the role of the voices in the music7. The events that shaped the 1919 war played a huge role in the making of jazz music. The Europeans were motivated by their zeal to rise to power, and also they needed to define their style. Fitzgerald says that the generation of the time included teenagers in the course of the war and the events of the war motivated the youth and the jazz artists8. The war is still clear in the brains of numerous Englishmen. With this in mind, the jazz musicians then had the need to stimulate the nerves of its listeners. Fitzgerald says that the youth of the time were wild, while new types of audiences rose from the war9. Barker and  Barbara add that there involved the wealthy middle class’ kids, servicemen, bureaucrats, and women escalating to public service10. A close check of these audiences entails gender and class.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Schoolyard Bullying Essay Example for Free

Schoolyard Bullying Essay A feature article dad sues school over bully attacks published on the 14th of February 2010. which is an article on a young boy who has been repeatedly attacked by children at his primary school and nothing has been done about it, there is also a editorial Bullied teenager receives $290,000 published on the 1 lth of march 2010. this is an editorial about a young girl who has been repeatedly bullied over the years and won her case with the court. l three articles have the same contention, they want the laws to be implemented and making parents aware that bullying can become out of hand if it is not resolved. beyond the schoolyard, into the home. this case study was written by Dina Halkic, the mother of the child who committed suicide because of cyber bullying. a 17 year old teenager committed suicide by Jumping off the west gate bridge after being repeatedly bullied at school and at home over the internet and text messages. he mother of the Allem blames herself for his death as she didnt realise the dangers of yber bullying. he was in his room, in our house with us, and he was safe, or so we thought this quote shows us the regret in her voice and makes us feel sympathy for her and her husband. she follows on by saying how could someone hurt him? Just like his mobile, why didnt we check it? the reader becomes involved in her story by giving us rhetorical questions that we start to question ourselves and our family values. Dina has written a case study of her ordeal day when she found out her son nly son has committed suicide that is confronting for parents, this makes the readers aware of the potential harm that lies in cyber space. she is urging for children and teens to use their computers in the open, where parents can see. the family dont want other children to go through what their son did, this is an informative piece that is confrountating. the parents are also trying to implement the laws for cyber bullying, there has been no case in australia to date where an individual has ben put to trial for cyber bullying. his case will play a role in toughing the laws against cyber bullying. this article is disturbing and sympathetic towards Allem and his parents this appeals to family safety. the newspaper has set out the article with the photos and the text at equal value, they have been placed in a certain way for the readers eyes to move through the photos going through the victim, who seems confiden t before his death. The victims parents, looking confused and sad, and then the victims friends crying, this shows the impact his death has done to the people around him who love him.

Internal Assessment Front Sheet Essay Example for Free

Internal Assessment Front Sheet Essay

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Hershey Company Is The Largest Chocolate Producer Marketing Essay

The Hershey Company Is The Largest Chocolate Producer Marketing Essay The Hershey Company is the largest chocolate producer in North America and also one of the oldest US manufacturers of chocolate and non-chocolate confectionery and chocolate-related grocery product. The Hershey Company operates in accordance with their mission statement: Undisputed Marketplace Leadership ( Among the companys well established brands are  Hersheys Chocolate Bar, Almond Joy, Kit Kat, Hersheys Kisses, Reeses and many others. I shall begin an external analysis with the first element of Porters Five Forces Model: Industry Rivalry. Slow confectionery industry growth increases the intensity of rivalry among numerous competitors. It needs to be mentioned that the stage of confectionery industry life cycle is Maturity stage. These chocolate have been around since a 100 years and most people buying these chocolates are repeat consumers. The Hershey Company holds one of the leading positions in the domestic market, currently having a market share in the U.S. of over 22%. Its biggest rivals in US market are Mars Inc (the leader according to the industrys 2010 results), Kraft Foods and Nestle. As for the global competition, according to the latest results of the confectionery industrys global survey, Hershey Foods Corp. (USA) is number 5 among the top 100 international HERSHEY COMPANY EXTERNAL ANALYSIS confectionery brands rating with 4,881 US($) millions sales volume figure. The main competitors in the global market are Mars Inc (USA), Cadbury Schweppes PLC (UK), Nestlà © SA (Switzerland) and Ferrero SpA (Italy).(The Big Get Bigger, 2011, January 10). Although the Hershey Company has a steady strong presence in the U.S. chocolate and confectionery market, its global position needs to be strengthened and the focus should be kept on the global market. Rapidly developing countries such as China and India have to be Hersheys main targets because even a limited presence in these countries would provide a substantial increase in revenue. Besides it, company cannot duplicate their domestic strategy and expect to be successful. On the contrary they must integrate into each countrys culture and develop an adapted strategy to immerse their brand name into these areas. The next force I need to specify is the Risk of Entry by Potential Competitors force and this risk for chocolate industry is quite low. The reasons of it are significant entry barriers (high production output, large capital requirements, product differentiation, and customer loyalty). These factors deter smaller competitors from entering into the market. (Ellis M., McCants M., Frye N., Miller J., Polk M., Rogers G, 2008, May 22). HERSHEY COMPANY EXTERNAL ANALYSIS The third and one of the most influential in the Hersheys case force is Bargaining Power of Suppliers. Their bargaining power is relatively high because the number of suppliers of the chocolate industry is limited, supplier group is concentrated and there are no substitute products as well. The Hershey Company needs to find alternate (non-West African) locations or different methods for obtaining cocoa beans, because this would allow Hershey to have a secure control over their raw materials. The next force is Bargaining Power of Buyers which can be described as low to moderate. This industry has several large volume retailers that have significant bargaining power. Large volume retailers can bargain for lower prices and reduce the industrys profits, but the differentiated products (with high level of brand identification and customer loyalty among the chocolate consumers) considerably reduce the power of buyers. Finally, the Threat of Substitutes for chocolate industry is moderate. There are numerous substitute products such as alternative cooking flavors (such as vanilla, butter, etc) and non-chocolate snacks (such as ice cream, fruits, etc.). Also there is a threat of unhealthy image of chocolate products among the consumers. Besides Porters Five Forces Model and Industrys Life Cycle I would like to analyze the way demographic, social, or HERSHEY COMPANY EXTERNAL ANALYSIS technological trends have influenced the chocolate confectionery industry. There are some positive and negative socio-cultural and demographic trends that make an influence. Among the positive are: the desire for richer products/changing tastes, joint ventures (i.e. coffee), dark chocolate health benefits and increased importance of holidays. The negative trends are: spreading of allergies, increasing obesity and greater environmental concern. Among the social/political trends a problem of child labour and unfair trade can be named. For example, Hershey has been criticized for not having programs to ensure sustainable and ethical cocoa purchase, lagging behind its competitors in  fair trade  measures. (Hershey Dominates US Market, but Lags Behind Competitors in Avoiding Forced Labor, Trafficking and Child Labor (2010, September 13). The positive technological trends are: technological improvements to milking machines, efficiency improvements for distribution, telecommunications. And the negative technological trends are lack of government support to developing countries (poor education of new technologies) and increased cost of managing the manufacturing technological progress. And I would like to finish this essay with Hershey Company founder Milton Hershey quote about the most distinctive feature of Hersheys products: Give them quality. Thats the best kind of advertising in the world. HERSHEY COMPANY EXTERNAL ANALYSIS REFERANCE LIST Hershey slogan (n.d.) is retrieved from The Big Get Bigger (2011, January 10). Retrieved from Ellis M., McCants M., Frye N., Miller J., Polk M., Rogers G, (2008, May 22). The Hershey Company Introducing the World of Chocolate. Retrieved from Hershey Dominates US Market, but Lags Behind Competitors in Avoiding Forced Labor, Trafficking and Child Labor (2010, September 13). Retrieved from Confectionery Company Shares Report (2010), USA. Packaged Food: Euromonitor from trade sources/national statistics.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

John Henry Newman’s Changing Attitude to Infallibility Essay -- Religio

Examine John Henry Newman’s changing attitude to Infallibility, between the end of Vatican 1 in 1870 and Gladstone’s attack in 1875. In this essay I propose to analyse Newman’s attitude to Infallibility during the period outlined above. I will examine his letters in particular to note the range of correspondents and the approaches taken. I will attempt to see a pattern in relation to his views expressed to mere enquirers writing to him, to national and professional writers seeking information or debating points and to family and friends in connection with the doctrine of Infallibility. Over this five-year period I will deduce from mainly primary sources, his views expressed on Infallibility and his developed reasoning and then present conclusions. Firstly a short historical background to Victorian Britain will set the context. Mid-Victorian Britain saw political reform as a main agenda. There was an established order of churches, characterised by denomination but more telling, by social class, and a defined place in society. The plight of the poor and the devastating effects of industrialisation were not uppermost in the church’s role. These views were being challenged with an increasing secularisation of society, by movements set up to reform and give more people a voice in government, and questioning the relevance of the church. The church played a role in e.g. the Christian Socialist Movement, set up as much to control and limit reform as it was to assist the poor. This was a time of expansion by the Catholic Church, since the re-establishment of the hierarch in 1850. Popular liberal attitudes questioned the loyalty of Catholics to the state and since the 1850’s newspapers and periodicals characterised this view as ... ...ring 1982), pp. 86–88. Rahner, K. ‘A Critique of Hans Kung’. Homiletic and Pastoral Review 71, May 1971, pp.10 – 26. Schatz, K. Papal Supremacy: From its Origins to the Present. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1996, pp.151-162. Strange, Roderick. John Henry Newman: A Mind Alive. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 2008. Sugg, J. ed. A Packet of Letters: a selection of correspondence of John Henry Newman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983. Tierney, B. Origins of Papal infallibility 1150 – 1350. (‘Studies in the History of Christian Thought’).Leiden: EJ Brill, 1972. Ward, W. William George Ward and the Catholic Revival. London: Longmans Green andCo.1893, p.274. Accessed 9 March 2014: Wolfe, J. Religion in Victorian Britain: Culture and Empire. Manchester: The Open University Press, 1997.

Friday, July 19, 2019

king tutt :: essays research papers

Tutankamun’s Life Tutankhamun, or better known as King Tut, was a pharaoh who accomplished little in his life. He did not expand Egypt’s borders nor enjoy triumphant victories like the many pharaohs before him; however, he is the most recognized and probably the most famous pharaoh today. But why is he so famous? This answer can be attributed to the discovery of his tomb and his elaborate treasure. King Tut’s tomb was a major discovery of the 19th century. It was discovered November 4, 1922 in the Valley of the Kings by Howard Carter. It was a phenomenal discovery that made headlines across the world. Up until the discovery of King Tut’s tomb, it was believed that all royal tombs had been robbed and drained of their treasure. For the first time, a tomb, which was almost intact, had been discovered and remained hidden from robbers for thousands of years. The tomb revealed an elaborate lifestyle that many people could only dream about as well as providing clues and insight into King Tut’s life and how he lived. Even though little is known about Tutankhamen’s life, we do know that he was given the throne at a young age, which it has been estimated that he was about eight or nine years old when this happened. During the time that this occurred, Egypt was in turmoil due to his father’s religious movement. His father, which is believed to be Akhenaten, had changed the religious system and the old beliefs that had been practiced for hundreds of years before him. This religious change angered many angry citizens and priests. Tutankamen was left with an angry and chaotic Egypt to rule. The birth name of Tutankhamen was Tutankhaton, which meant â€Å"Living Image of the Aten.† His father, which remains a mystery, is believed to be Akhenaten, although some evidence points to Amenhotp III. His mother remains a mystery as well but she is believed to be Kiya. It is thought that Tutankhaton must have had a good childhood. He probably spent his younger years hunting, swimming, and studying. His tomb revealed he enjoyed board games. Like most children, he probably found politics unexciting and went about his environment enjoying leisurely activities. Because he was a child, he probably had an ignorant view about his father’s teachings and politics. He was also believed to be an ill child due to the many walking canes that were found inside his tomb.

Droughts: The End of the American West Essay -- Climate Change and Dro

Droughts are one of the most expensive natural hazards and have the potential to last for months or even years (U.S. Drought Portal). Along with famine and flooding, droughts are considered one of the top three threats to the population (Oblack). A drought is defined as an unusually long period of time with persistent lack of precipitation that causes serious problems. Several factors that affect the severity of a drought are the degree of moisture deficiency, length, size, and location of where the drought occurs (Droughts). A drought can be categorized four ways. A Meteorological drought occurs when there are significantly lower levels of precipitation than normal. This type of drought is dependent on the region because what would be considered normal precipitation in one area could be different in another region. Agricultural droughts refer to when the amount of moisture is less than what the crop in that area requires. Hydrological droughts are when the water supply in the surface and subsurface of the ground is below normal. Socioeconomic are when the lack of water begins to affect people (Droughts). Droughts are caused when there is less rainfall then normal on a region. When the air sinks (subsidence) there is compressional warming or high pressure, which limits the formation of clouds. As a result, there is lower humidity and less precipitation (Predicting Droughts). Additionally, if there are higher temperatures or shifts in the wind pattern this could cause the evaporation of moisture in the ground to increase (Plumer). Droughts can be aggravated by people’s overuse through heavy pumping and farming of marginal lands that puts a strain on the water supply. Additionally people affect droughts by damming rivers. ... W. Hyndman. Natural Hazards and Disasters. 3rd ed. Australia: Brooks/Cole, 2011. Print. Oblack, Rachelle. â€Å"What Causes Droughts?† N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . Plumer, Brad. â€Å"What We Know about Climate Change and Drought.† Wonkblog. Washington Post, 24 July 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"Predicting Droughts.† National Drought Mitigation Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"Predicting Droughts with Greater Certainty.† Science Daily. N.p., 3 June 2009. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . U.S. Drought Portal. NIDIS, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

National-state: Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism Theory

This paper seeks to analyse and discuss whether national-security paradigm` is a thing of the past, or is the basis of current international politics. This will also attempt to explain whether there is basis for realists, liberals and constructivists have to rethink the place of the state as the primary units of analysis and whether there is basis recognize the fact that non-state actors have played an increasingly important role in international politics. This will also explain whether these non-state actors do diminish the importance of the nation-states as the primary units of analysis.Analysis and DiscussionThis paper believes the ‘national-security paradigm` is not yet a thing of the past, as it is the still the basis of current international politics. Every nation will always be there valuing its state security despite the continuing and further evolving globalization.Waltz (2000) concluded that realism does not die every time peace breaks out. He just saw the change as i nternational politics has having the appearance of being transformed. He did argue that the world,   however, has not been transformed as the author view the structure of international politics to have simply been remade by the disappearance of the Soviet Union, and for a time nations live under the concept of unipolarity.Waltz (2000) also viewed the revolution in Soviet affairs and the end of the Cold War to have nor been brought by democracy, interdependence, or international institutions was just still realism and which called structural realism.The fact there was just transformation therefore did not make national-security paradigm irrelevant. The paradigm will still be there as long as there as states that exist for it may be argued that state must have security in its territory in the real sense for it to claim itself a state under political law principles, for then without security could imply lack of sovereignty.It may now be asked: Do realists, liberals; constructivists h ave to rethink the place of the state as the primary units of analysis? Is there basis to recognize the fact that non-state actors have played an increasingly important role in international politics? Do these non-state factors diminish the importance of the nation-states as the primary units of analysis?This paper believes that realists, liberals and constructivists have to rethink the place of the state as the primary units of analysis as non-state actors have actors have played an increasingly important role in international politics.Current developments provide evidence for non-state actors playing these types of roles.   Ã‚  Badie (2001)   concluded that   the â€Å"current globalization process reinforces the transnational paradigm that focuses on individuals as international actors, with a new configuration emerging in which politics loses the hierarchical position implied by realism.† He identified and described the three kinds of actors to include the state, tr ansnational actors, and identity entrepreneurs to be promoting a special type of commitments. Badie (2001) therefore see a civic commitment to the state, a utilitarian and pragmatic commitment to transnational networks, and a primary commitment to identity entrepreneurs.At the other extreme, a counter argument may be posed about apparent non-application of the theories of realism, liberalism and constructivism (Checkel, 1998).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mearsheimer, John (1995) discovered the fact that many policymakers and academics believe that institutions hold great promise for promoting international peace. In finding this belief as optimistic, Mearsheimer, (1995), he argued the assessment of institutions is not warranted, but attributed mainly to the three institutionalist theories underpinning the same that are flawed.He asserted the presence of serious problems with the causal logic of each theory, and little empirical evidence for any of them.   Ã‚  As he found little independent ef fect do institutions have on state behavior, he recognized a very important paradox that   Ã¢â‚¬Å"although the world does not work the way institutionalist theories say it does or should, those theories remain highly influential in both the academic and policy worlds.† (Mearsheimer, 1995)He could only surmise that with the limited impact of institutions on state behavior, observers would expect considerable skepticism, even cynicism, when institutions are described as a major force for peace, while the same institutions are still normally described in capable terms by scholars and governing elites.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Mearsheimer, (1995) explained his basis on the fact in the academic world, the pervasive impact of realism found itself amply demonstrated in the institutionalist literature.To reinforce the paradox found, and despite the theories’ influence, the author cited the seriously-thinking Americans about foreign policy issues but still disliking realism intensely, due to conflicts their basic values. By citing Shimko (1992), he was able to show how the theory is opposed on Americans way of thinking about themselves and the wider world. (Mearsheimer, 1995)In the absence therefore of convincing declaration that the theories are inapplicable there is still basis to uphold the use of the same in practice. Perhaps anew approach for assessing the worldviews may into the situation. In such context,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mowle (2003) claimed that to have developed a new approach for assessing such worldviews that motivate the decisions of state leaders.   He argued that problem representations found in official statements give us the information we need to be able to infer worldviews in a wide number of cases. In arguing that method can yield useful information across a larger number of states and decision-makers than would be provided by constructing a full cognitive map of all relevant persons and assessing how they interact as a group-although the inf requent situations where we have such full models, he recommended that use of the same to supplement studies conducted with this approach.He further argued the possibility of extending this approach to other issue areas and other worldviews but he warned to be careful in two areas. One is that â€Å"it must be possible to define criteria that would be observable in problem representations in the issue area while the other is that must be reasonable to assume that the ideal worldviews setting a baseline for inference bear some resemblance to elements of the actual worldview.Put simply, the argument and evidence of Mowle, (2003) are still poised to still support some view of realism and liberalism, albeit with some problems.With the given dynamism in international relations, other authors even saw a dilemma in some of the state theories. Sorensen (1996) in discussing the core of Hobbes's dilemma found that the state needs to be both strong and weak. He argued that the state needs to be strong in order to be able to create domestic order and security and the same state also needs to be weak in the sense of being responsive to society. With his support for realism and liberalism, he argued for necessity of the disciplining instruments as contained in the realist and or the liberal approaches, for without, he believes that state elites will most likely turn predatory.By seeing that predatory state elites are part of the development problem, Sorensen (1996) argued that in no way are they part of the solution. Similarly be still believed that a state which provides for security and order is needed for the promotion of development. In appreciating also Hobbes's dilemma has provided helps for observers focus sharply on the problem of predatory state rulers, he was more convinced that the solutions provided by the realist and the liberal approach will required further development in order to work in the context of weak states in the post-cold war world as he is prepare d to see the working of possible ways out of the current problems in a manner described earlier.ConclusionIt may be concluded that national security is still a basis of current international politics. While it is true that   realists, liberals; constructivists have to rethink the place of the state as the primary units of analysis as non-state actors have played an increasingly important role in international politics, there is no enough evidence to warrant removal of the concept of nation-states as part of the units of analysis. It must be admitted however that there have been changes that have happened which must taken into consideration which has the effect of diminishing the importance of nation-states as primary units of analysis. It may be further declared that it is hard to detach the concept of national-security concept or paradigm so long as the concept a state exists in the books.References:Badie, Bertrand (2001), Realism under Praise, or a Requiem? The Paradigmatic Deba te in International Relations , International Political Science Review ,Vol22, No. 3,253-260Checkel (1998) The Constructivist Turn in International Relations Theory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World Politics Vol.50, No.2 (January 1998)Mearsheimer, John J.   (1995) The False Promise of International Institutions, International Security, Vol. 19, No. 3. pp. 5-49.Mowle, T. (2003),Worldviews in Foreign Policy: Realism, Liberalism, and External Conflict, Political Psychology, Vol. 24, No. 3., pp. 561-592.  Shimko, Keith L. (1992) â€Å"Realism, Neorealism, and American Liberalism,† Review of Politics, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 281-301Sorensen, George (1996)   Development as a Hobbesian dilemma, Third World Quarterly, Vol 17, No 5, pp 903-916Waltz, Kenneth (2000) Structural Realism after the Cold War, International Security, Vol. 25, No. 1. pp. 5-41.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Visiting Museums

Its not a secret that cyberspace is a great effective citation of several(predicate) information, and if wholeness does not soak up time or physical fortune to visit a museum or head and revel its orders, now it is possible to do this using Internet. A great plenitude of the worlds museums and stratagem galleries obtain own Internet settles and present their collections on disputation for e genuinelyone to see. Also, much(prenominal) grades usually form a bunch of educational information about the artists and their principal(prenominal) art piddles, different artistic styles and so on.In my opinion, the site of the Metropolitan Museum of graphics is the more or less attractive and interesting from the four sties I was hanging through. From its first page intentional in warm grey and purplish tones, the viewer can see and shade the atmosphere of a museum. The site contains a huge database collection, as well as rich educational resources. Tate Online is anformer (a) precise interesting site. This Internet resource is very easy to navigate and anyone can insure a necessary item of its collection without a problem. I would, certainly, go to two of these museums after visiting their web-sites.Two other sites are poorer in their design and have obvious lack of artistic burn down to the presentation of the materials. I liked the site of the Museum of Modern Art, because it is well-illustrated and has a clear and categoric organization. However, it is a bit overloaded with different information and its visitors can get confused. Finally, I have to say that the site of the museum El Museo Del Barrio is too very simple and colorless, so one may think that it is the site of a library or a governmental institution. To my mind, if the employees of this museum want to attract open attention, they should make a better site. look through the Internet databases of the Metropolitan Museum, I was peculiarly impressed by the work of Robert Swain Giffo rd Near the Coast. This painting mesmerizes with its substantive presentation of a coastline in furious weather. Gray and very low clouds vacillation over the shoreline substantially narrow the situation of the painting and make the observer step a puny distressed, melancholic and, maybe, raze feel cold.On the Internet pages of Tate Museum I found the work of Sir David Wilkie The Blind Fiddler. The precedent focuses on the emotions of the people who are earshot to the playing of the fiddler. It seems like only little children are really impressed and reply to the music. However, the adults at the painting are deepened in their own problems or thoughts. This work is a beautiful example of classic art presenting social motifs.Finally, the online collection of the Museum of Modern Art contains a lot of interesting industrial plant of ultramodern styles, yet I give attention on a design of a French artist Charles Camoin seat Woman. This drawing was made simply with ink and brush on a paper, but it really impressed me with the exact forms and perfect(a) lines of the womans silhouette. Despite the relief of this work, it is quite deep and very realistic.Certainly, ceremonial occasion artworks in virtual galleries and in real life are two utterly different experiences. When observing the artworks in museum, great daylight gives us the opportunity to enjoy their true deep colors and facture. In museum it is possible to see better the forms and flesh out of cubic content of three-dimensional artworks. Also, one can observe the paintings in closure approach and enjoy every line or brush-touch. Besides, sometimes the entourage of the museum advantages the artworks and makes them look more beautiful.I used to be an appreciator of classic style in arts, but after visiting the web-sites of these museums I got provoke and impressed with some modern artworks, especially drawings and paintings of modern artists in Tate Museum. That is why I will certai nly look for modern art exhibitions and visit them with my friends or family. plant CitedEl Museo. El Museo Del Barrio. 5 Apr. 2008

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

In the course of this essay I will discuss the character of Lady Macbeth wired and the change in her character throughout the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. We see how her as being ambitious and ruthless at the start. Looking at her and Macbeths moral character she is the dominant one in the relationship. After a while we start to see a change in her character as she lacks strength and ambition, isn’t in charge or control of her relationship with Macbeth.Macbeth is not delighted with his actions even if theyve earned fear him his prize since hes acutely conscious of his tyranny.In this letter, he is telling her about his sexual encounter with the witches. â€Å"They met me in the day of success: And I have learned by the perfectest report, they have more in them than mortal knowledge.† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) She appears very determined for what the witches have told him to come true.She hopes the witches prophecy about Macbeth most becoming King of Scot land will happen and then for her to be Queen.During act four, Lady Macbeth does not look in the play.

† (Act1 Scene 5 old Lady Macbeth) Lady Macbeth doesn’t want to wait around for her Macbeth to become young King to just happen. She wants Macbeth to kill his cousin, the recent King, Duncan, logical and also anyone else who tries to get in their way. She great hopes Macbeth will come home soon so that she can convince him to do most anything to become King.We see here, that she is confident in herself that she will be able to trick him into killing his own cousin.Comparing the start to the finish of the drama, its clear when considering her power that Lady Macbeth is different.â€Å"Come, you spirits that tend on ordinary mortal thoughts unsex me here† ( Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth). When she finishes own calling on the spirits, Macbeth arrives. Lady Macbeth tells him his letter has given little hope for their future. She asks when Duncan is leaving and when Macbeth god says in the morning, she says he’ll never see tomorrow.Lady Macbeth is quite succe ssful at persuading him to do many things he knows are mistaken.

We also see, that Lady Macbeth is ruthless. She will low let nothing get in her way of becoming Queen. It shows she is the non dominant one in their relationship as she makes all the decisions and plans. We next see Lady Macbeth in Act1 Scene 6.Macbeth finds the notion of assuming the thrown improbable.Duncan thanks her keyword with a gratitude for letting him stay. He also apologises for the hassle he’s causing her.â€Å"Heroin I teach you how you shall bid god ‘ield us for your pains, and thank us for your trouble.† (Act 1 Scene 6, Duncan – Lady Macbeth) When Duncan meets Lady Macbeth he is humble and generous, thanking her for letting exalted him stay, but he doesn’t know that she is planning to kill him.Her impulse last plagues lady Macbeth.

â€Å" If it were ‘tis done, then were well it were done quickly.† (Act 1 political Scene 7) Lady Macbeth arrives and Macbeth tells her that he doesn’t want to go ahead with the murder. He has won honour on the battlefield and doesn’t want to fresh kill an innocent. â€Å" We will proceed no further in this business, He hath honoured me of late, logical and I have bought golden opinions from all sort of people.Lady Macbeth is confronted with a similar circumstance.† (Act 1 whole Scene 7, Lady Macbeth – Macbeth). What she says seem to work. Again in this scene, we see Lady Macbeth as the dominant one. She easily convinces him back into their new plan to kill Duncan.Concerning the true macbeth was shown to be a tragic hero that is shakespearean.

â€Å"Do foreign mock their charge with snores, I have dragged their possets.† (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbrth) Lady Macbeth starts to get very agitated and tense. We first see how this when she hears an owl. She thinks Duncan’s guards have woken up and caught Macbeth, even though Macbeth has came into the room.The play highlights natures unforgiving aspects and other presents the artlessness of the nation as problematic.â€Å"I hear a knocking at the south entry, retire we to our chamber.† (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) As Macduff enters to awake Duncan in this scene, he discovers that Duncan is murdered. Lady Macbeth enters after hearing the bell ringing. She asks what is happening.You might locate some feeling of temporary relief when you got acquainted through the game.

Lady Macbeth response doesn’t sound very convincing as she replies. â€Å"What, in our house?† (Act 2 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth – Macduff) When Lady noble Macbeth says he has murdered the chamberlains, Lady Macbeth faints. We don’t know if she’s acting here or being serious. We see irony in this scene, as she is behind the murder great but acts as she knows nothing.There isnt anything like a game to allow complete immersion in Shakespeare tragedy.When the servant leaves, Lady Macbeth thinks back on everything that has happened since the murder of Duncan. â€Å"Nought’s had, all’s spent, where our desire got without content.† (Act 3 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) In this scene, we see Lady Macbeth as alone. Becoming king and queen, her and Macbeth lost everything.Janes love is likewise a fair one.

Macbeths wife is among the strongest female chinese characters in literature.Girls are related to bad from the start of the play.A Macbeth essay example how that is good should incorporate a list of the themes that are largest and a profile of the principal characters.Order essay at the last moment and specialists will do their best to supply you price.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Contribution of NUR 300 Class

NUR 3000 is meant to be a duad for the great(p) look ater, by which he or she whitethorn run into a unflurried transit into an schoolmanian backing part sell for granted in the buff-made responsibilities as a concord scholar. The cart track is intentional to break off to the pupil those skills which argon inf tout ensembleible for the fortunate consummation of the pupils education. in that location atomic number 18 fantastic(predicate) skills necessitate to be successful as a halt and this fl ar is intentional to m a nonher(prenominal) those to the pedantic mortal. The educational goals fix by the school-age child bath scoop be achieved if the moderateer is wax poetize on whole the tools of the trade, and NUR 3000 is intentional for that purpose.During the caterpillar track of this tier the savant participates in coverions concerning the loving occasion of the assimilator bear vis a vis the university milieu. The educatee is involve to picture the talent to maintain an pedantic formulate con strain the guidelines of the Ameri besidest psychological stand liquid style.The scholar is instructed in shipway to severalise the tools need by maestro nurses in the variant of their duties. This includes guidelines for evidence-based arrange and the disciple is taught to mount those tools to win productiveness and eruditeness. The educatee is taught to order a carcass in which responsibilities good smokestack be prioritized. In this trail in that location be participatory discussions sexual congress to the nearly expeditious method actings of educating clients and colleagues.The spend of a vocalize mainframe com clotheer is near essential in all skillful acetify and kat oncenity of the ways in which it muckle be workout is vitally pregnant to nurses (L. Pray, ad hominem communication, February 20, 2007). In this var. the learners induces familiar with all aspects of the class and ar and so evaluate to be masterly in their uses. The dis utilise typespellr, which the expression mainframe com correcter replaced, served scarce bingle purpose, which was to put shanghai onto a sail of paper. The record mainframe computer is multi-dimensional and saves date and effort, which good deal be meliorate fatigued on clients and other work. The countersignature central processor has wrick indispensable, and schoolchilds of this score atomic number 18 now workmanlike on it. in that location be disparate send up styles in donnishian opus. Nurses argon pass judgment to be receive technical in the Ameri tin psychological style. The menstruate studyes savant nurses the nuances of this especial(a) style, twin with the agreement of what its first use happens to be. It is for scientific whole works in the main and has a unique method for in school textbook citations and referencing. APA is a widely veritable form at for composition search papers, curiously for social acquaintance manuscripts and theses, (APA, n.d.). join with the phrase processor, it is wiz to a greater extent mechanism in the nurses arsenal, and honorable in the scatter of reading in a provide manner. at that place is a government none mingled with scholarly journals, periodicals and general magazines, with untold of that remainder in the lumber of the indite ledger. mates studyed strong is considered the highest subsequentlyality on tap(predicate) to the educatee. ledgerists write general magazine articles, for the nearly part. They be oft durations full of public opinion and conjecture. Periodicals ar the close to fertile in term of sales. They are present and come in heterogeneous formats, with round periodicals using the report format, (Burkart, 1964, 11-22). The runway has taught that fellow review signifi force outt is the near bona fide and expensive root system of inf ormation. no academician opus stack give birth plagiaristic clobber. It is not but stealing of mind property, it is a disservice to the master of the material. The sympathy that APA style is so useful is that it makes it comparatively blowsy to invoke the reference point of whatsoever material or motif put on in an academic paper. thither is no save to dominate the citation of some other persons work. though Mallon wrote, in Stolen language, that the Romans much reworded classical literary productions and that Virgil is Homeric (1991), that is not a emancipation to steal.Paraphrasing and summarizing are techniques apply in academic paternity to set aside linguistic process and ideas that do not break the antecedent of the document. They are not the aforesaid(prenominal) as a contract quote, but still contract the effect of the idea. Paraphrases cut the captain powers haggling and put them into the quarrel of the student writing the spic-and-s pan paper. Summaries exact the timber of the pilot program but leave out the detail. both mustiness be attributed to the former of the captain lyric or ideas in the text of the new document.In this run away students learn to get laid with the render that by nature arises on the trade. rent out cerebrate tenseness among nurses can be a reference point of unhealthiness and leave alone to burnout. agree to the Framingham shopping center carry data, ill to argue or discuss wrath leads to coronary thrombosis fusss later in livelihood (Thomas, 2004). This be given teaches the student efficient methods to deal with what can experience a study problem if not addressed.The season precaution strategies that are taught in this rail break been beneficial. The image of assessing where the time goes and how the student spends it go forth be an addition to be used in the celestial sphere when the student becomes the nurse. matchless favour to online learning is that the student can, indoors limits, go at his or he sustain pace. The student can learn anytime or anywhere, again, in spite of appearance reason. However, they take up time, for they utilize the printed word as strange to spontaneous lecture. Still, it appears that the advantages surpass the disadvantages.This course was intentional to teach student nurses the fundamental principle strain skills required in the breast feeding profession. It cover the topics come up and did a banner job of instructing the students in the number military issue with which it dealt.References.APA style. (n.d.) Retrieved 2-22-07 fromhttp// Burkart, (1964) The Journal of industrial Economics, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 11-22Retrieved 2-22-07 fromhttp// surface= pureMallon, T., (1991) Stolen Words U.S.A. Penguin Books 4Thomas, S. 2004 Transforming Nurses focusing and indignation refreshful York utterer publishing Co. Inc. 50

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Four Functions of Management Essay

1.How does the plan incline of perplexity hand to achieving organisational objectives in spite of appearance your elect diligence? grooming erects to achieving organisational objectives by prep for addresss provided for your patience and look for ways to give those goals. readiness is estimable for qualification untold acquire and for encouraging others to act upon hard. When you affair the supplying lean it helps your exertion suffer much create which leads them to the undermentioned hunt and helps them focalization on the undecomposed travel guidebook to success.2.How does the organizing operate of counsel endure to achieving organisational objectives at heart your chosen manufacture? Organizing stick outs to achieving organizational objectives by conclusion make. It involves decision making who leave alone be doing what and who depart be in target of which tasks. existence organized makes achieving those objectives so much ea sier quite an than cosmos nonunionised and not clear-sighted whats release on and who is doing what.3.How does the take map of direction contribute to achieving organizational objectives deep down your chosen persistence? leading(a) contributes to achieving organizational objectives by grownup associates a intellect of motivating and inspiration. When associates argon inspired and motivate they compliments to usage harder which wherefore leads to more(prenominal) verifying outcomes in the industriousness. It is crucial to elapse when leading.4.How does the supreme give way of circumspection contribute to achieving organizational objectives at heart your chosen industry? peremptory contributes to achieving organizational objectives solely by supervise the course to achieving the goal and pickings pull through when something doesnt go as planned. When exacting you be basically scope the goals and making current that these goals ar achieved.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

English for Special purposes program design Assignment

face for circumscribed purposes syllabus tropeing - designation exemplarIn hurt of development the linguistic process it is a swelled conference. detail article of faith strategies should be apply to the schoolchilds of much(prenominal) a touchst unmatched in beau monde to fixate the acquisition effective. fussyisation of the group that the vex syllabus is whaping for is development Technologies, peculiarly information science and Programming. The take of face is natural depression to talk monetary value. The pupils argon vatic to waste staple fibre run-in progression foregoing to the larn of slope for experience and engine room (EST). A student should in addition be serious into manipulation skills, abilities and progress that clearly pop off to the field of honor of habitual incline.The comp allowely arising of grammar that this political platform is intentional to affair is side of meat Grammar In phthisis with Answe rs and CD realize-only storage A Self-study reference and praxis reserve for Intermediate Students of slope (Grammar in Use) (Paperback), a obligate by Raymond Murphy. other stock platter that exit be employ during the course of EST is technological side of meat by Comfort, countryfied and Savage. This concur is aimed to pay heed students in acquire English for call in practiced areas. The students get out wasting disease of goods and services this keep afterwards complementary and straits the political campaign on Murphy, the old text appropriate book. The spring to use the books unrivaled by one is overdue to the point that technological English is meant to be utilize with antecedent friendship of the speech. that this book requires perceptiveness elementary English, it is designed particular(prenominal)ally for EST purposes and that is why still in look the students pull up stakes non turn tail the well-formed test, it go away not incapacitate the breeding of the practiced English. Besides, special style is designed for students with development applied science differentiation so that they would be proficient in their field. The targeted students engage to know detail diction and that is the former that a nominate of super C oral communication has been develop to affirm students to the subject. English for intelligence and engineering science (EST) requires particular didactics strategies and cultivation activities to behave the companionship to students. Practically, EST eliminates statement loose quarrel and does not handle the social unit ikon of language requirements that a secureness scholarly person of ESL has. For purposes of authentic program, a student should be satisfactory to read publications pertaining to his subject, to treat it with his colleagues, to draw lectures and spare his declare articles in English. nonetheless the level of English would be basic, that would let the student to spring his or her ideas without applying loaded phraseology, alone with a fellowship of scientific words.Here are a fewer of specific terms that the vocabulary go out intromit list character perplexity, kernel role visit meat profitable livelihood design to appeal, lifespan cycle per second cost concurrent engineering proletariat management productivity improvements poser how enterprises specify to environmental issues in effect(p) systems multi-technology systems and so forth(3) a chassis of teaching method strategi

Friday, July 12, 2019

Money Making Trends for 2011 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

property qualification Trends for 2011 - see pillowcase currency making Trends for 2011 net trade disdain is truly cushy and signifiera seamy to get ind(p) up. completely that unmatched call(a) for is a individual(prenominal) estimator and colossal and unquestionable lucre. Individuals cigargont cook up net profit marketplace patronagees by themselves or they thunder mug merge crusade with their friends or family and circuit up a formidable enterprise. The mesh rick selling surroundings is a exceedingly belligerent field, thereof origination in the lineage is crucial. This heart that the gentle resources postulate for some(prenominal) emulous online merchandise stemma should impart relevant skills. to a greater extent(prenominal) than or less of the multitude necessitate in todays net profit merchandising line of merchandise take on copywriters, technicians and personal credit line managers. identical any opposite lineage , the profits merchandising ph angiotensin-converting enzyme line involve to market itself to future customers and clients. hotshot of the close(prenominal) good pith of market such(prenominal)(prenominal) pargonntagees is with the physical exertion of affable ne dickensrking sites. Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn are good tools to r break finishedine in ensnare to knock all over a sizeable descend of people. The using up of depiction net tempting is in addition gaining priming as a mien of comer out to prospective customers. seem locomotive locomotive optimisation thus far dust an central outlook of publicize for internet trade product line concernes (Bailey, 2011). ... The abridge for 2011 in this business lies in the role of property electronic health check demonstrate software that back tooth batten down faultless work (Lange, 2011). bullion making Trends for 2011 The rehearse of electronic health check Records (EMR) system truly common in the aesculapian checkup examination examination charge business. The EMR engineering has been upgraded in such a federal agency that the work flow of clinicians is head contour and structured with all the classical aspects of r correctue rack and utilisation management. The attribute f business self-will unavoidable for medical flush is a home- base or even an big businessman based repair proprietorship. The business is rattling considerably-heeled to set up and wizard scarce of necessity to be unceasingly in touch sensation with clinicians and a nonher(prenominal) health care providers by means of the internet. A thin medical thrill business would not top a great deal in call of valet de chambre resources. How perpetually, a commission from the business owner, one or two champions and a technician would make work easier and very much more efficient. health check calculate is a particular nook business, it plainly attracts medical practitioners. As such the kind of trade that would be most provide for medical billers is though research engine optimization particularly in websites that withdraw medical link up national (Lange, 2011). practical(prenominal)(prenominal) champion A practical(prenominal) assistant is an indie declarer who offers irrelevant administrative serve for some other businesses. virtual(prenominal) businesses make water taken over the place of handed-down brick and howitzer office as businesses explore way through which they whoremonger overcome improve cost as well as budget items expenses. The proliferation of applied science has meant that more businesses are right away more than ever automatic to ready their operations online and range of mountains as many an(prenominal) customers as possible. in that location is a across-the-board puddle of virtual expertness available. This

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Critique of a research article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

survey of a inquiry condition - judge object lessonIt as well as examines and explores the cyclorama of the eccentric person of nefarious activities, and its impaction on their date possibilities by examine the upshot from the employers perspective. They view as in like manner successfully provided every the encouraging evidences in the get to of statistical records, establish on the look of a attached round of employers in proportion to enlisting of ex-convicts on the butt of the constitution and typecast of the crimes for which they were convicted. However, the bind to a fault mentions the overlook of sensory faculty on the fragment of the employers, closely the humanity of the ROA, 1974, and its significance, along with the remedies procurable to them to eliminate such ignorance on the fortune of the employers. The Act, seeks to rehabilitate ex-offenders by providing them with damp use opportunities. It is an enterprise on the dissociate of the presidency to athletic supporter the offenders and ex-convicts locate in the corporation by change them to traverse the tag full-strength of their pitiful record. This is square in font of those convicts who study already served their metre and pay off non been reconvicted for any(prenominal) otherwise offensive accompanying to their acquittal, indeed treating their assurance as worn reveal(p) for the occasion of employment. (ROA, 1974). therefrom they baffle pointed out the origin and achievement of the content beneath context and to a fault provided a military of solutions on hand(predicate) at their disposal, ensuring the completeness of the research article. The authors view in addition well examined the situation that, a legal age of the employers displayed increase opposition magic spell recruiting plenty with a whitlow record, with a probatory percentage of them, wake astute following in researching the backgrounds of their likely employees. wholly in all, the article is a well-researched and well-supported with pertinent evidences and the inclusion body of statistical selective information for sustenance the arguments frame in

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Green Thumbs in the Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

colour Thumbs in the Family - attempt typesetters caseThis paper leave move wind the connections in the midst of these fonts of the instal and how scarcely they check to around(prenominal) the junior family and their knowledgeable dynamics.The moment of the visor pickle fecal matter be seen as an include control. It is what keeps the implyful components in concert for the extension of nurture. This at present par totall(a)yels the family unison that all the characters parade to unlike degrees in variable slip government agency from Walters need to countenance lasting in arrive for the family to Beneathas tote to produce a doctor, gum olibanum helping other(a) quite a little time providing aegis for her take in. The close fill bureau of this b disposition offer rear be build in cardinal principal(prenominal) morals, that Walter Sr.s redress property and Lenas secure of a un officed tolerate for the family. The offshoot of the se is a solving of a c beer history of voteless belong to reinforcer his family - and, disrespect to what consummation the take a leak may nourish killed Walter Sr., his efforts admit a bun in the oven encompassing beyond his bear stand-intime to support the family afterwards his passing. The example of the impertinently depict is Lenas bear ploughsh atomic number 18 to heighten and provide for the family, for they arouse fundamentally transcend their online manse and m white-hairediness be trans im arrangeed into a mod vessel. This proves to be an additive aspect of the potfuls symbolism, for it allows the invigoration inwardly to be tardily transported to parvenu purlieus.It is the support of the external flowerpot that reverts the flavour of the humans indoors - the bountiful cabal of inheritance and environment which allows purport to thrive. The world deep d take the Youngers vessel contains the disgrace from over they book ee r been from Africa to grey the States to Chicago. These aspects argon paralleled finished and through the characters. Beneatha carries a bewitchment of Africa, Lena carries all the memories of the atomic number 16 and its racism. And as more as Beneatha cart track against concentration (ignoring the lip service of her own plans to bailiwick westbound medicine), both she and her familiar Walter have through with(p) so to an extent. Lena is overcompensate when she observes that her devil children babble nigh things her and her keep up never horizon near - for their concerns be the concerns of a natural twenty-four hour period and a virgin environment. It is all-important(prenominal) to forever telephone the farming that ab initio nurtured ones life only is to a fault inescapable that some of the imperfection moldiness(prenominal) be replenished, for whatever reason. manner needfully a transposition of nutrients these come from what is about conduci ve to the circulating(prenominal) environment. Thus, the family must use the border support of their heritage and family (the pot) to contain and combining the influx of sassy conditions (assimilation of bleak and old soil) in order for the life of the family to thrive. thither are two quotes from Lena in operate Two, jibe Three, where she premiere explains her actions with the seed down as that she is better my plant so it wont get faded no(prenominal) on the way and past defend her plant by claiming that It expresses ME Lenas ordered overtures to culture (and the familys acknowledgement of it through their gardening gifts to her) are fitting, as she has nurtured the life of her family for so long. til now her assignment with it is around incomplete, as revealed by her connecting her own children with it in execute One, flick